Dixie Botanicals® Products

Let us introduce you to the CBD products of choice for those who believe that movement is key to health. With active folks in mind, Dixie Botanicals® offers a wide range of CBD products, so you can get your daily serving just the way you like.

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About Dixie Botanicals®

As one of the world’s premier CBD lifestyle brands, Dixie Botanicals® is distinguished by its incredible selection of cannabidiol (CBD) hemp oil products and exceptional quality in every single product. Today, Dixie Botanicals® CBD solutions are consumed across the United States and in over 40 countries worldwide.

A lifestyle CBD brand, Dixie Botanicals® focuses on providing consumers with convenient CBD oil products that make enjoying the natural benefits of a daily CBD routine a snap. Since its launch in 2012, the Dixie Botanicals® brand has earned a reputation as a source of the world’s finest CBD hemp oil.

All Dixie Botanicals® CBD products are made from our expertly cultivated hemp plants and formulated by a team of scientists, clinical herbalists and nutritionists to ensure the highest quality sources of CBD.

Made from hemp, Dixie Botanicals® CBD oil products naturally contain no more than trace levels of THC and therefore do not elicit any type of psychoactive effects when consumed at suggested serving sizes, even in our most concentrated products.

Dixie Botanicals® has helped to normalize the use of CBD products among a worldwide community with their line of consumer friendly products like naturally flavored hemp oil tinctures, tasty CBD edibles, and an innovative CBD-infused sunscreen. Dixie Botanicals® products are made with only all-natural ingredients, including superior hemp CBD oil that’s been tested for quality and safety.

What are the Benefits of Dixie Botanicals®?

The hemp-derived CBD oil products by Dixie Botanicals® allow you to enjoy the exciting balancing benefits of CBD, plus the nutritional benefits of hemp oil.

Dixie Botanicals® hemp CBD oil is filled with healthy nutrients and stimulating CBD. Quickly becoming one of the popular super substances on the planet, CBD is a naturally-occurring cannabinoid that is showing tremendous promise in stimulating the body’s endocannabinoid system, which aids in a number of bodily functions, while also helping to optimize the body’s sense of homeostasis, or state of balance.

So, what are cannabinoids? Cannabinoids are a set of naturally-occurring chemical compounds found in the cannabis plant. There are other cannabinoids, called endocannabinoids, that occur naturally in the body and bind with special receptors to activate the body’s endocannabinoid system. Current findings suggest that plant-derived cannabinoids — including CBD — can stimulate the endocannabinoid system and improve several areas of health. Hemp is naturally dominant in the cannabinoid CBD, making it an ideal source for making CBD products.


With that said, Dixie Botanicals® hemp CBD oil products offer so much more than CBD. These full and broaod-spectrum hemp oil blends are packed with a myriad of essential vitamins, minerals, proteins, omega fatty acids, terpenes and flavonoids all found in the hemp plant. Gaining these nutrients, which are often missing from our modern diets, is just one more benefit to adding hemp oil to your diet.

Wondering when you will start seeing the benefits of Dixie Botanicals® hemp CBD oil? Many customers feel a change after the very first serving. However, all cannabinoids (CBD included) build up in the body over time with repeated consumption. As cannabinoid concentration increases within the body, the endocannabinoid system becomes more active and efficient, and that’s when the most marked changes in well-being will occur.

We recommend completing your entire Dixie Botanicals® product (usually 30-60 days) before deciding to discontinue your CBD oil routine to give the CBD and other cannabinoids time to build up in your system for full results.

Quality and Safety of Dixie Botanicals® CBD Products

Safety and quality are our top priorities. These priorities are upheld at every point in the production process, where we work diligently to ensure that our Dixie Botanicals® CBD oil products are responsibly sourced, meticulously processed, and precisely formulated.

Our commitment to safety and quality starts with sourcing. We source only all-natural, non-GMO hemp plants are grown without the use of chemical fertilizers, herbicides or pesticides. Moving onto extraction, we use non-toxic, supercritical CO2 to cleanly extract CBD oil from the hemp plant without adding in unhealthy toxins.


What really separates our hemp CBD oil products from the rest is our industry-leading Triple Lab Testing® process. We test our CBD oil a total of three times throughout the process to ensure that it meets our safety and consistency standards. Our first testing phase happens by our cultivators in the Netherlands and then immediately again after harvesting the hemp, where we verify that it’s free of contaminants and contains optimal cannabinoid content. We test the oil a second time once it arrives in the U.S., employing independent labs to check for toxins and CBD concentration. Lastly, just prior to formulation, we batch test our finished products to once again make sure they’re safe for you and your family. Designed for safety, precision and unparalleled product quality, the Triple Lab Tested® process keeps our Dixie Botanicals® products a cut above.

Dixie Botanicals® CBD Product Line

Since our beginning in 2012, as we have continued to perfect our CBD hemp oil pipeline and expanded our sales into an ever larger number of markets, HempMeds® has been able to make our processes more efficient.

We pass those savings onto you, our most valued customers, in the form of affordable prices on our award-winning Dixie Botanicals® CBD hemp oil products throughout our store. Our commitment to providing accessible, high quality products to people around the world drives us to ensure that our products are affordable to those who need them most.

HempMeds® offers a number of Dixie Botanicals® products with varying price points and consumption methods, giving you the chance to shop our site for the best price for your needs. Choose from our Dixie Botanicals® line of CBD tinctures, CBD edibles, CBD oil capsules, CBD vape oil, and even CBD sunscreen.

Dixie Botanicals® Dew Drops:

Dixie Botanicals® Dew Drops low dose tinctures offer an accessible beginning point for anyone just starting out with our CBD hemp oil products or looking to maintain a low level CBD routine. These highly-popular CBD tinctures combine broad-spectrum hemp oil with MCT oil to naturally boost absorption. Available in two sizes (250 and 500 mg) and a variety of flavors (peppermint, vanilla, strawberry, and tangerine), Dixie Botanicals® Dew Drops were first designed to bring the benefits of CBD to the masses and continue to be a popular choice among our customers.

Dixie Botanicals® Dew Drops tinctures can be dropped orally and held under the tongue for a minute or more before swallowing.